Technical Efficiency of Food Crop Production (Sorghum and Millet) in North Kordofan state, Sudan

Ibrahim Elnour Ibrahim, Mohammed Ahmed Al-feel, Adam Elhag Ahmed


Abstract: The objective of this paper was to measure technical efficiency, and identification of factors that influence technical efficiency of food crops production (sorghum and millet) in traditional rainfed sector in North Kordofan state, Sudan.  Data were collected from 205 farmers selected by distributing structural questionnaire following stratified random sampling techniques due to socio-economic characteristic and homogeneity of North Kordofan population. A stochastic frontier production function, using the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) technique was applied in the analysis of data collected during the season 2011-2012. The results show that the numbers of sowing, labor, fertilizer and rainfall have a significant negative effects in sorghum and millet, while years of experience show a positive significant for both. In addition to that the (MLE) reveal that the mean technical efficiency of sorghum and millet 0.56 and 0.74, respectively. This means, there are ranges for increasing sorghum and millet production by 44% and 26%, respectively, from a given mix of production inputs by adopting technologies used with the best practice if the farmer’s are technically efficient. In other words, on average; about 44 %and 26% of production are lost because of inefficiencies.


Technical efficiency, stochastic frontier, sorghum and millet, north Kordofan

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