Effects of Feeding Lactating Desert Goats with Moringa olifera Meal on Milk Yield and Composition in North Kordofan, Sudan

Hassan Adam Birer Altom, Mohamed Adam Mohamed Ali, Neama Adam Eshag, Salah A.S. Bukhari, Jumaaa Barram Jadallah


This study was conducted in North Kordofan State, Sudan with the objective of studying effects of feeding Moringa oleifeira meal (MOM) on feed intake, milk production, composition and weight changes of Sudanese Desert goats and their kids. Four goats group at their second parity, weighing 25 kg ±0.750kg each with a single kid were used (total 16 goats plus kids). The animals were vaccinated against diseases endemic in North Kordofan, drenched with antihelmentic for the control of internal and external parasites and individually penned with feeding and drinking troughs. Natural grazing was given ad libitum. The first group was left on the natural grazing (NG) only. The second group was supplemented with 300g MOM; the third with 400g MOM while the forth group was given 250g concentrate supplement. The supplements were provided at 7:30 am and consumed completely before providing the natural grazing. The daily feed intake was estimated and water was provided continuously. The goats were milked and milk quantity was measured at 8:00 am before allowing kids to suckle their dams then being separated at 6:00 pm and penned separately. Goats and kids were weighed at the beginning and end of the trial. The data was considered as complete randomized design and analyzed via analysis of variance. Least significant difference was applied to detect differences among means. The results indicated significant (P<0.01) increase of feed intake upon supplementation with MOM. The animal groups consumed 1100, 1250, 1260 and 1000g DM when the goats were offered NG only, supplemented with 300g, 400g MOM and 250g CS, respectively. Milk yield also increased upon supplementation with MOM. Daily production was 0.500, 1.775, 2.012 liter for the group of goats consuming NG only, supplemented with 300 g MOM, 400 g MOM and 250g CS, respectively. Milk had higher fat when goats were fed CS while high milk protein was recorded for the group on the NG only and offering MOM resulted in higher lactose content while non-fat solids content was similar in milk of different groups. Live body weight was higher in the group that was supplemented with 400g MOM followed by those on 300g MOM, 250 g CS and finally those on the natural grazing meal only. The respective daily weight gain was 152.6, 145, 130 and 10g. Weight gain of kids was 23.24g for those who belonged to dams on the natural grazing, 55 for goats on 400g MOM, 95.5g for those on CS. It was concluded that supplementation with Moringa olifera meal increased milk production and its constituents also differed. Weight gain of goats and their kids also differed by supplementation with MOM. It was recommended that more studies be carried out to determine best levels of supplementation with MOM to get highest yield and best levels of fat and protein content.


Lactating goats, nutrition, Moringa olfera, weight change Introduction

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