Effects of Feeding Groundnut Shells enriched with Protein and Energy on Feed Intake, Nutrients Digestibility and Weight Changes of Sudanese Desert Lambs

Neama Adam Eshag, Hamdan Bakhiet Mohammed, Salah A.S. Bukhari, Mohamed Adam Mohamed Ali, Jumaaa Barram Jadallah


This study was conducted with the objective of studying the effects of using different levels of groundnut shells in rations for lambs. Twenty, 7-9 months old, castrated Desert lambs weighing 22.6 +0.500kgs were used divided into four similar groups each with five animals. The lambs were weighed ear-tagged , drenched with a broad spectrum antithelmentics for the treatment of internal and external parasites and vaccinated against diseases endemic to the area. They were individually penned and provided with feeding and drinking troughs. The rations formulated contained 0, 20, 30 and 35% groundnut shells. Ten days were allowed for adaptation of lambs to treatments and rations provided. Thereafter feed intake and live body weight changes were monitored. The last ten days were considered digestibility trial via total feces collection method. The of feed intake, total digestible nutrients intake, body weight change and feeding cost were considered a complete randomized design and were analyzed via analysis of variance. Feed intake significantly (P< 0.01) decreased with increment of level of groundnut shells in the ration. The lambs consumed 1215, 1124, 1015 and 1002 g/d dry matter when groundnut shells constituted 0, 20, 30 and 35 % of the ration. Similarly the nutrients’ digestibility coefficients decreased upon increment of the level of the ground nut shells in the rations. The lambs’ body weight change was positive at all rations though weigh gain values were significantly (P<0.01) greater at lower levels of the groundnut shells in the rations. The lambs gained 225, 190, 165 and 155 g per a day when their rations contained 0, 20, 30 and 35 % groundnut shells. The feeding cost reduced from 2.50 SDG per kilogram feed when the ration had no groundnut shells to 1.50, 1.20 and 0.9 SDG per kilogram feed when the rations contained 20, 30 and 35 % groundnut shells. It was concluded that though the inclusion of groundnut shells reduced feed intake, nutrients digestibility coefficients, it maintained lambs at levels above maintenance and feed cost was significantly reduced. It was recommended that more studies be conducted to make use of the large amount of this agro-industrial by product to reduce feeding cost of ruminants and environment protection. 


Desert lambs, groundnut shells, weight changes

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