Range Component at Two Rainy Season Camping Areas (Comparison Study)

Kawther R.S. Rabeeh, Y.I. Abutaba, J.B. Jadalla, M.A. Ali, Mohammed Alhadi Ebrahiem


This study was conducted in two camping areas; open areas (Mogshasha- Sheikan and Abulgor-Rahad) and a protected rangeland (Alnabagaya-Sheikan) in North Kordofan State from March, 2010 to December, 2011. The objective of the study was to investigate the impact of rainy season camping on range resources attributes. Data was collected using a questionnaire. Results from questionnaires data confirmed that rangelands around rainy season camps were continuously used throughout the year. As indicated by (79.6%) of the respondents. Because those rangelands were communally used, no one claimed responsibility for management, rehabilitation or development of the degraded areas. Protected areas were grazed in organized pattern and protection, management, rehabilitation and development was clearly defined.


Range components, Camping Areas, North Kordofan State

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