Histological Aberations in Heterobranchus longifilis and Clarias buthupogon obtained from Polluted Asa River, Nigeria

Akinloye Mathew Ogundiran, Olubanjo Olatunde Fawole


Histological aberrations were evaluated in Clarias buthupogon and Heterobranchus longifilis sampled from Asa River Nigeria. Impact of water borne contaminants on aquatic organisms has become a great concern to public health. Since fish gills are indirect contact with the environmental medium and are very sensitive to changes in water quality while fish liver serve as gate-keeper to the entire body of fish. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of Asa River water quality on the gills and liver histology of the two selected sampled fish. The sample included a total of 55 individuals (28 for C. buthupogon and 27 for H. longifilis).There was a recorded moderate to intense alterations of gill tissues. The most notable alterations were congestion of blood vessels, desquamation, swelling of pillar cell, hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the gill epithelium. Epithelial lifting of the basement membrane wascommon in vertually all sampled fish species, while circulatory disturbances were slightly pronounced. The liver showed congestion of central vein, degeneration of hepatocyte, sinusoidal distortion, cellular inflammation and necrosis. However, all histological alterations recorded in the gill and liver tissues were most likely to be caused by increased concentrations of certain pollutants from anthropogenic premises. Therefore, proper assessment of Asa River is necessary with strict vigilance in view of ensuring the protection and conservation of the organisms there-in.


Histology, Contaminant, Clarias buthupogon, Heterobranchus longifilis, Asa River and Histopathology

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