Moringa Stenopetala Leaves Extract Improve Antioxidant Defense Abilities and Salt Tolerance of Wheat Plant Irrigated with Seawater

Hanaa Abd El Baky, M.M. Hussein, Gamal S. El-Baroty, Eman A. Ibrahem, Sawsan Y. El-Faham


Effect of irrigation bread wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Giza 168) with sea water (10 and 20% v/v), spraying with Moringa stenopetala leaves extract (5 gL-1 dry weight in 0.1% Tween solution) cultivated under normal and stress conditions were studied. Plant bioregulators (Oxalic acid at 200 ppm) at the vegetative growth stage on photosynthetic pigments, antioxidant components, activity of some antioxidant enzymes, lipid peroxidation products, growth parameters, mineral content and economic yield were estimated. Irrigation of wheat plants with sea water led to an increase in Na+ ion, activities of antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase and total peroxidase and TBARs components. In contrast, the contents of photosynthetic pigments and yield components were reduced. Furthermore, the overall growth of wheat plants was interrupted by irrigation with sea water (10 and 20%) and the effect was pronounced at higher level (20%). Application of Oxalic acid had a slight effect on plant growth, antioxidant behavior and activity of antioxidant enzymes in plants irrigation with sea water compared with that in stressed wheat plants. Application of algal extracts significantly increased the contents of total chlorophyll and antioxidant phenomenon. In additional, application of Moringa stenopetala leaves extract exhibited strong positive correlation with increase in fresh weight (FW), grain weight and yield components. It is concluded that productive purpose of wheat crop by mean of brackish water (at 20 v/v level) is possible under a level of economical value through its application of Moringa stenopetala extracts.


Moringa stenopetala, wheat plants, antioxidant enzymes and irrigated with seawater

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