Agronomic Performance Evaluation of Ten Sugarcane Varieties under Wonji-Shoa Agro-Climatic Conditions

Abiy Getaneh Zewude, Feyissa Tadesse, Netsanet Ayele


Field experiment was conducted at Wonji/Shoa Sugar Estate during 2007 to 2012 cropping season, to evaluate and select sugarcane varieties with better agronomic performances under Wonji/Shoa agro-ecological condition. Ten sugarcane varieties: namely DB 228/57, B 60267, CO 622, CO 678, B 4906, B 5736, CP 36/111, CP 69/1059, B 59250, and E188/56 were compared with the check variety B52 298. They were evaluated in completely randomized block design with three replications. Result indicated that none of the varieties in both light and heavy clay soil of the trials could outshine the check variety B52 298 in terms of average cane and sugar yield. However, the varieties CO 622 and E 188/56 produced higher mean cane and sugar yields (ton ha-1 month-1) than the rest variety in both light and heavy clay soil fields of Wonji/Shoa, which was at par with the check variety B52 298. Besides variety DB 228/57, B 60267 and B 4906 responded well in sugar yield for light clay soil unlike CO 678 and CP 69/1059 which was better in heavy clay soil. Therefore, the sugarcane varieties CO 622 and E188/56 in both soil; whereas DB 228/57, B 60267 and B 4906 in light soil; CO 678 and CP69-1059 in heavy soil should be verified further on large commercial fields under agro-climatic conditions of Wonji/Shoa.

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